
In the early 1970s, trainer manny Velasco recalls both hugo and Lolita of the miami Seaquarium being aggressive, lunging and snapping at the trainers standing on the central work-island, ending the training session for the day.

In the early 1970s, during a water work session hugo refused to allow trainer chip Kirk to get out of the water, Kirk explained to a journalist from the palm beach post. hugo bit him on the arm badly enough to leave a scar, which Kirk showed to the reporter.

In the early 1970s, hugo grabbed trainer bob pulaski by the wetsuit and began thrashing him. pulaski struggled, but it only made things worse. hugo's tank-mate Lolita then joined in and began a tug-of-war with hugo. pulaski managed to free himself from the tangled wetsuit and get to safety. pulaski did not mention if he sustained any injuries.

In the early 1970s, director of training at Sea-Arama marineworld Ken beggs claimed that one of the park's orcas, a young male named mamuk, attempted to bite his torso.

In the early 1970s, young female killer whale Nootka became aggressive towards a visiting reporter at Seven Seas marine Life park, beaching herself in an attempt to lunge at him. She had to be returned to her pool with a crane.

In the early 1970s, a trainer at Seven Seas marine Life park, Larry Lawrence, was raked by Nootka. he had to receive 145 stitches in his left leg.

on may 2, 1978, another marineland of the pacific trainer, 27-year-old Jill Stratton, was nearly drowned when the 10-year-old orky II suddenly grabbed her and dragged her to the bottom of the tank, holding her there for nearly four minutes.

on may 22nd, 1978, Seaworld trainer Greg williams was bitten on the legs by the park's killer whale winston. he was hospitalized with minor injuries.

In the 1970s, a marine world california trainer, dave worcester, was dragged to the bottom of the tank by the park's young male orca Nepo.

In the 1970s, a Vancouver Aquarium trainer, doug pemberton, recalls that,“Skana once showed her dislike by dragging a trainer around the pool. her teeth sank into his wetsuit but missed his leg.“ pemberton described both young female Skana and her male panion hyak II as “moody“ but stated that Skana was the dominant animal in the pool.“She is capable of changing moods in minutes“.


on February 23, 1984, a 7-year-old female orca by the name of Kandu V grabbed a Seaworld california trainer, Joanne hay, and pinned her against a tank wall during a performance. hay was only released after another trainer jammed a fist into the whale's blowhole.

In November 1986, trainer mark beeler was held against a wall by Kandu V during a live performance.

In 1986, an unidentified marineland of canada trainer was taken to the hospital after he fell off the park's male killer whale, Kandu 7 (not to be confused with Kandu V), and was dragged by his leg around the pool during a trick.

In 1986, a 4-year-old female orca, Nootka V (not to be confused with Nootka IV), hit an unidentified marineLand, ontario trainer in the head with her pectoral fin during a show. According to a former trainer, the whale had a habit of leaping out of the water in an attempt to strike trainers by the pool in the chest.

1987年 3月 4日,20岁的圣地亚哥海洋世界训练员乔纳森·史密斯被公园里一头重达 5.4吨(6短吨)的虎鲸抓住。逆戟鲸将驯兽师拖到水槽底部,然后带着流着血的他一路回到水面,然后把他吐了出来。当第二只逆戟鲸撞向史密斯时,史密斯向人群挥手致意。他继续假装自己没有受伤,因为鲸鱼反复将他拖到体育场游泳池的底部。史密斯全身被割伤,肾脏破裂,肝脏有 6英寸的裂伤,但他设法保住了性命逃离了游泳池。后来的报道表明,参与袭击的鲸鱼是 10岁的雌性 Kenau和 9岁的雌性 Kandu V。

1987年 6月 15日,29岁的圣地亚哥海洋世界训练员乔安妮·韦伯(Joanne webber)在一次训练中因 Kandu V落在她身上并将她推到泳池底部而导致颈部骨折。韦伯有五年与逆戟鲸打交道的经验。

1987年 11月 21日,驯兽师 John Sillick骑在一头雌性虎鲸的背上,这时一头重达 5吨的雄性 orky II跳下并落在他身上。Sillick不得不接受多次手术;他的背部、臀部、骨盆、肋骨和腿部严重骨折。该事件导致海洋世界总裁和其他 3名员工被解雇。在接受采访时,他说,“我又开始学习走路了。”

1989年 4月 1日,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚的Sealand of the pacific的 Nootka IV将她的训练师 henriette huber拉进了鲸鱼缸,当时这名 6岁的雌性咬了下来,而训练员的手放在了鲸鱼的嘴里逆戟鲸为了挠它的舌头。huber需要缝几针才能缝合伤口。

同样在 1989年,太平洋西兰群岛的努特卡四世(Nootka IV)抢走了一位不小心掉进鲸鱼缸里的游客相机。首席驯兽师史蒂夫赫克斯特试图取回相机,但当逆戟鲸拒绝放弃它的新玩具时被拉进了游泳池。逆戟鲸抓住了驯兽师的腿,但赫克斯特被驯兽师埃里克沃尔特斯拉到了安全的地方。

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