速查速用商务英语口语 市场调研 Market Research (第3/5页)
·spare v. 匀出;分让 adj. 空闲的;额外的
③ Could you please give me some opinions on the new product we plan to develop?
\\u003d I’d like to get some opinions from you concerning new products developing.
·develop 开发
④ How do you feel about the idea of building a new shopping mall here?
\\u003d What do you think of the idea of building a new shopping mall here?
⑤ I’m really excited about launching a new product because it will bring us a lot of profit.
\\u003d There’s an emerging market now, so I’m quite excited about launching this product.
⑥ In market research, you have to check out the competition and find out what products customers really like.
You should know your competitors well and find out the really hot-sale products.
⑦ Customers’preference is the most influential factor when making a commercial plan.