Today, the confusion between freedom and democracy leads far too many Americans, including those in high places, to seek to spread democracy around the world—in complete disregard of the circumstances of the particular countries.In some respects, we may be more dangerous to our friends than to our enemies, when we pressure them to set up at least the trappings of democracy.……
History suggest only that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom.Clearly it is not a sufficient condition.Fas-cist Italy and Fascist Spain, Germany at various times in the last seventy years, Japan before World Wars I and II, tsarist Russia in the decades before World War I—are all societies that cannot con-ceivably be described as politically free.Yet, in each, private en-terprise was the dominant form of economic organization.It is therefore clearly possible to have economic arrangements that are fundamentally capitalist and political arrangements that are not free.
The British were very wise to have given Hong Kong freedom.But they may also have been wise in not attempting to experiment with democracy, where the traditions needed for it did not exist.
Historical evidence speaks with a single voice on the relation between political freedom and a free market.I know of no example in time or place of a society that has been marked by a large meas-ure of political freedom, and that has not also used something com-parable to a free market to organize the bulk of economic activity.
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important because of their effect on the concen-tration or dispersion of power.The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive cap-italism, also promotes political freedom because it separates eco-nomic power from political power and in this way enables the one to offset the other.
弗里德曼(Milton Friedman,《资本主义与自由》作者):