
《奥勒・卢科伊,梦神,1842 年》

Ole - Luk - Oie, the Dream - God, 1842


奥勒・闭眼神(Ole-Luk-Oie)(Ole Lock - Eye)与琼・布隆德(Jon Blund)这个形象有关,琼・布隆德是一个小精灵,他会往孩子们的眼睛里撒沙子好让他们入睡。

Ole-Luk-Oie is related to the figure of Jon Blund, an elf who sprinkles sand in children’s eyes so that they will go to sleep.


Andersen not only substitutes sweet milk for the sand but also turns Ole-Luk-Oie into a storyteller, one who needs lights out and eyes shut to work his magic.


Ole-Luk-Oie is both an incarnation of dreams (with a brother named Death) and an unrivaled storyteller, who understands the importance of stories as a bridge between the real world and the world of imagination.

奥勒・闭眼神(Ole-Luk-Oie)与英语国家的睡魔(Sandman)和威利・温基(Willie Winkie)以及法国的多尔梅特(Dormette)有关。

Ole-Luk-Oie is related to the Sandman and Willie Winkie in Anglophone countries, and Dormette in France.

小威利・温基出自 1841 年威廉・米勒(William Miller)用方言记录下来的一首苏格兰童谣:

Wee Willie Winkie comes from a Scottish nursery rhyme of 1841 written down by William Miller in dialect:

“小威利・温基在镇子里跑来跑去,\/ 穿着睡衣上楼下楼,\/ 轻敲窗户,对着锁孔呼喊,\/‘孩子们都上床了吗,已经十点啦?’” 小威利・温基及其同类几个世纪以来一直被用来吓唬、强迫和引诱孩子们上床睡觉。

“Wee Willie Winkie rins through the toun, \/ Up stairs and doon stairs in his nicht - goun, \/ Tirlin’ at the window, cryin’ at the lock, \/ ‘Are the weans in their bed, for it’s noo ten o’clock?’ ” Wee Willie Winkie and his kin have been used for centuries to frighten, coerce, and entice children to go to bed.


Ole-Luk-Oie seems the most benevolent of these spirits.




“现在注意啦,” 傍晚,当雅尔玛躺在床上时,奥勒 - 卢科伊说道,“我要装饰一下房间。”

“Now pay attention,” said Ole - Luk - Oie, in the evening, when Hjalmar was in bed, “and I will decorate the room.”


Immediately all the flowers in the flower - pots became large trees, with long branches reaching to the ceiling, and stretching along the walls, so that the whole room was like a greenhouse.


All the branches were loaded with flowers, each flower as beautiful and as fragrant as a rose;


and, had any one tasted them, he would have found them sweeter even than jam.


The fruit glittered like gold, and there were cakes so full of plums that they were nearly bursting.


It was incomparably beautiful.


At the same time sounded dismal moans from the table - drawer in which lay Hjalmar’s school books.


“What can that be now?”

奥勒 - 卢科伊走向桌子,拉开了抽屉说道。

said Ole - Luk - Oie, going to the table and pulling out the drawer.


It was a slate, in such distress because of a false number in the sum, that it had almost broken itself to pieces.


The pencil pulled and tugged at its string as if it were a little dog that wanted to help, but could not.


And then came a moan from Hjalmar’s copy - book.


Oh, it was quite terrible to hear! On each leaf stood a row of capital letters, every one having a small letter by its side.


This formed a copy;


under these were other letters, which Hjalmar had written:


they fancied they looked like the copy, but they were mistaken;


for they were leaning on one side as if they intended to fall over the pencil - lines.

“看,你们应该这样站着。” 字帖说。

“See, this is the way you should hold yourselves,” said the copy.


“Look here, you should slope thus, with a graceful curve.”

“哦,我们很想这样做,可是我们做不到。” 雅尔玛写的字母说;

“Oh, we are very willing to do so, but we cannot,” said Hjalmar’s letters;


“we are so wretchedly made.”

“那你们就得被擦掉了。” 奥勒 - 卢科伊说。

“You must be scratched out, then,” said Ole - Luk - Oie.

“哦,不!” 它们叫道,然后它们站得非常优雅,看起来很是赏心悦目。

“Oh, no!” they cried, and then they stood up so gracefully it was quite a pleasure to look at them.

“现在我们必须放弃讲故事,来训练这些字母了。” 奥勒 - 卢科伊说;

“Now we must give up our stories, and exercise these letters,” said Ole - Luk - Oie;

“一、二 —— 一、二 ——” 于是他训练它们,直到它们优雅地站着,看起来和字帖上的一样漂亮。

“One, two — one, two—” So he drilled them till they stood up gracefully, and looked as beautiful as a copy could look.

但是奥勒 - 卢科伊走后,雅尔玛早晨看它们的时候,它们还是和以前一样糟糕、一样笨拙。

But after Ole - Luk - Oie was gone, and Hjalmar looked at them in the morning, they were as wretched and as awkward as ever.



雅尔玛一上床,奥勒 - 卢科伊就用他的小魔杖碰了碰房间里所有的家具,家具们立刻开始叽叽喳喳地说起话来,而且每件物品都只谈论自己。

As soon as Hjalmar was in bed, Ole - Luk - Oie touched, with his little magic wand, all the furniture in the room, which immediately began to chatter, and each article only talked of itself.


Over the chest of drawers hung a large picture in a gilt frame, representing a landscape, with fine old trees, flowers in the grass, and a broad stream, which flowed through the wood, past several castles, far out into the wild ocean.

奥勒 - 卢科伊用他的魔杖碰了碰这幅画,立刻鸟儿就开始唱歌了,树枝沙沙作响,云朵在天空中移动,把它们的影子投射在下面的风景上。

Ole - Luk - Oie touched the picture with his magic wand, and immediately the birds commenced singing, the branches of the trees rustled, and the clouds moved across the sky, casting their shadows on the landscape beneath them.

然后奥勒 - 卢科伊把小雅尔玛举到画框前,把他的脚放在画里,就放在高高的草丛上,他就站在那儿,阳光透过树枝照在他身上。

Then Ole - Luk - Oie lifted little Hjalmar up to the frame, and placed his feet in the picture, just on the high grass, and there he stood with the sun shining down upon him through the branches of the trees.


He ran to the water, and seated himself in a little boat which lay there, and which was painted red and white.


The sails glittered like silver, and six swans, each with a golden circlet round its neck, and a bright blue star on its forehead, drew the boat past the green wood, where the trees talked of robbers and witches, and the flowers of beautiful little elves and fairies, whose histories the butterflies had related to them.


Brilliant fish, with scales like silver and gold, swam after the boat, sometimes making a spring and splashing the water round them, while birds, red and blue, small and great, flew after him in two long lines.

蚋虫在它们周围飞舞,金龟子叫着 “嗡嗡,嗡嗡”。

The gnats danced round them, and the cockchafers cried “Buz, buz.”


They all wanted to follow Hjalmar, and all had some story to tell him.


It was a most pleasant sail.


Sometimes the forests were thick and dark, sometimes like a beautiful garden, gay with sunshine and flowers;


then he passed great palaces of glass and of marble, and on the balconies stood princesses, whose faces were those of little girls whom Hjalmar knew well, and had often played with.


One of them held out her hand, in which was a heart made of sugar, more beautiful than any confectioner ever sold.


As Hjalmar sailed by, he caught hold of one side of the sugar heart, and held it fast, and the princess held fast also, so that it broke in two pieces.


Hjalmar had one piece, and the princess the other, but Hjalmar’s was the largest.

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相传,世间有一枚神奇的玉坠,它能实现你所有的愿望……当然是如果你运气好的话。因为也许有一天你向它许愿把你变成世间第一美男子,它会把你变成一头奇丑无比的猪。 一名偏远小城的大家族的废柴纨绔少主,某日异想天开当起采花贼却惨遭断根之难,悲痛欲绝下来到悬崖边寻死,却被一块神秘玉坠砸中,顺便还收服一只能寻宝的神奇白狼。 在玉坠帮助下少年重振雄风,改邪归正。逆天的禁忌之体,玄妙的极品神器,一段段充满惊险的冒险
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